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Here are what people are talking about on the beach!

Is Groot Hospitality taking over the Forge?
Word on the street is that Groot Hospitality, owned
and operated by David Grutman may be taking
over the operations of the world famous Miami
Beach restaurant The Forge. Currently owned and
operated by the Malnik family, the Forge has seen
better days. Our opinion, Groot should take over
the Forge, it would bring new life to it and it will
bring back the celebrities that used to be seeing
at the Forge. Get it Dave!
Ou no Lynn Martinez!!
We are aware that we’ve been locked in for a few months and everyone is looking for a new change
and a make over, but, Lynn Martinez, anchor at Channel 7 looks like she had a little job done to her face. Here are a few pictures she posted on her IG account. All we are saying Lynn is WHY? You were beautiful and spunky before, now you have the cheeks of a 600lb person. Hope the swelling goes down. We are praying for you!

Ferris wheel on Ocean Drive?
Looks like Ocean Drive is trying to attract more families to the loud, over crowded and out of control section of Miami Beach.
Commissioner Steve Meiner proposed bringing a Ferris wheel to
Lummus Park located on Ocean Drive. Word on the street is that
the other commissioners aren’t too crazy about the idea and should invest the money on more cultural events. Here’s our take on this issue; Cultural events will not clean up the crowd that has been coming to south beach, what will clean up the crowd is bringing high demographic concerts, festivals and by making the hotels 25yrs or older age requirement during March for all hotel stays. Start cleaning up “certain months” then move forward with other months of the year.
Did Keith Menin sell his home for $24mil? WOW.
You know how the saying goes “it takes money to make money”. Keith Menin, investor, doubled his money in about a year on the sale of his waterfront mansion on N Bay Road, and who said that the economy is hurting. Keith has a great eye for making money in south Florida real estate market, he’s sold over $50 millions in real estate in the past year. Principal at Menin
Hospitality, which owns hotels and restaurants in Miami Beach, Keith knows “what’s cool and hot”, and what has potential to make money, and lot’s of it. But hands off ladies, Keith is married to his beautiful wife Evelyn Menin. And what’s next for Keith? Did we hear North
Beach? I guess we will wait and see.

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