Taylor Perry the GOAT of SMP
He's on top of his game, and the GOAT of Scalp Micropigmentation.

If you are an ageing man or women, one of the first thing you notice is that “your hair is thinning”. Trying to add more hair or make your hair look thicker can be extremely expensive and can mean major surgery. But now, many people are skipping the hair implants surgery and trying our SMP, Scalp Micropigmentation Procedure. And if you live in Florida, consider yourself lucky, because we have the TOP SMP stylist in the game, TAYLOR PERRY. Let’s get up close and personal with the Top SMP stylist in the country.
A. Tell us a little bit about your younger years, where were you born, where did you grow up? I was born at
Miami Jackson hospital, grew up in Miami with my four brothers, mother and father in a small two
bedroom house. One room had two sets of bunk beds and even though I grew up poor we always had the
necessities, food, clothes, just maybe not the clothes you wanted or the food we always enjoy but we had what
we needed. I didn't stay home much I was always playing outside or taking a bus with friends to get where we
wanted to go . It was a different era, one without video games and technologies so self entertainment was key .
B. We see that you started off as a Barber, what made you get into that industry?
Growing up we didn't have a lot of money for much and that included haircuts. My best friend and I started
practicing cutting hair on each other in middle school. Before I knew it we were cutting hair for the neighborhood
and by my first year of high school at 15 I was offered a job at my local Barber shop. I didn't think I was good
enough but the owner of the shop said he would help me get better. I learned a lot of my first year and fell in love
with being a Barber. At 16 I went to cosmetology school and later became a master Barber.
C. Is SMP for everyone? Male and female? And how long does it
SMP is for everyone and anyone full head of hair bald head
men and women all ethnicities SMP works just like any tattoo you may need a touch of later down the line but it's permanent .
D. I'm sure you have changed a lot of people's life with your service , how does that make you feel when you see people get emotional about their transformation?
There's no better feeling than being able to restore confidence in someone that has lost their confidence due to hair loss balding or receding hairline. It's really fulfilling to be honest seeing SMP change the lives of clients is the driving passion for why I do what I do . There is truly no greater gift to give someone than the ability to love themselves . I'm honored to be a part of that everyday.
E. What's the average rate for your service?
Average is $3000
F. Does SMP work well with people that have long hair? Yes, if you have long hair and you want the scalp to look more dense or full than absolutely. SMP is mainly used as a hair loss solution but it is literally for everyone
G. How does one get ready for their SMP procedure? There's no
prep, no downtime, it's a noninvasive procedure. It's very easy, you just contact us we will get you a free consultation, get you a quote and get you booked for a session. All you have to do is come in. We want you to be comfortable and feel like you're part of the family from the moment you walk into the door. We have TV's, pool tables, plush leather couches and more to make you feel at home. We're extremely laid back and create relaxing environment you can feel comfortable in from start to finish .
H. Does SMP work well on people that has had hair implants?
Yes, hair implants and SMP work very well together. It's like putting cheese on pizza it's meant to go together. I recommend getting SMP prior to getting implants for many reasons. SMP can create a baseline for the implant, we will map out the hairline better than your doctor will and you only have to wait three months before getting your hair. If you get hair implant prior to SMP you will need to wait one year before you can get SMP so you can heal properly. Either way SMP and implants go great together whether you get one before the other doesn't make too much of a difference.
I. Does the ink rub into the scalp? Yes it's a tattoo
J. How many procedures or hours is the average SMP? Average
time is 2 to 3 hours from the moment you walk into the door to
get haircut prep and procedure. Procedure itself is 2 to 2 1/2 hours with little to no pain.

There is truly no greater gift to give someone
than the ability to love themselves

K. We see that you also give classes on SMP. How long are the classes how much does it cost? We offer two different SMP training models . Both include an intensive online program where students will have the
opportunity to learn at their own pace. Both online programs consist of 16 chapters and five hours of video content for $2499. The second option offered is for students who want to take it to the next level for $5500 .
This option includes the online training program and two days of in person hands-on training where they put what they have learned into practice on live models. All students must complete the online training program
to become certified in SMP .
L. What's the advantage of SMP compared to hair implants? is 100% guaranteed implants are not guaranteed. Not to mention that getting her implants is a full blown surgery and has a low success rate. Not everyone is a candidate for her implants whereas the SMP everyone is a candidate.
M. Where do you see yourself and SMP program in 10 years? Right now I'm sitting at the top of my trade as the goat of SMP. I stay booked months in advance and clients coming in from all over the world and was recently
rated as being one of the five highest paid tattoo artist in the world up there with Ed Hardy. For sure I don't want to tap out here, I want to never stop learning or evolving. In 10 years I want to be on the palm edge of SMP and raise up a new generation of talent starting with my students.